Modern Slavery Remediation Plan

Remediation, as used within this plan, is the process of ending situations of child labour, all forms of forced labour and labour trafficking, and as far as possible correcting any harms experienced by victims. It is important that this puts an end to modern slavery and tackles the harms experienced by the affected people. If Clarks either causes or contributes to a negative impact they will be responsible for the remediation. Even if there is no contribution or direct link this should not prevent Clarks from taking an active part in the response and remediation process.

Clarks will work collaboratively with all relevant parties, including local law enforcement authorities to address any instances and ensure that affected workers are not further harmed during the process.

Our full Remediation Plan is available internally to employees on our Policy platform. Our partners and suppliers can request a full copy of the Remediation Plan from

The key priorities of the plan are to:

  1. Protect: Victim safeguarding - build trust & rapport. We must not compromise the security or safety of the victim or other employees, including the IRT, at any time. There may be other potential victims on site
  2. Fact find: Gather evidence & assess. All evidence - physical and written to be given to the record keeper who will keep it secure and free from contamination
  3. Escalate: Relevant bodies and authorities. Review evidence available with IRT and determine whether there are indicators of forced labour. Refer to the police / local referral agencies (Compliance will determine appropriate referral in conjunction with Legal) Conduct detailed root cause investigation and determine remedy
  4. Review - Effectiveness/ robustness. Processes to be regularly reviewed & updated to ensure that risk is mitigated where possible.

If modern slavery is suspected or identified within your working environment please immediately contact